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The Ultimate Guide to Kids Beds

The Ultimate Guide to Kids Beds

Buying a new bed for your kid can be both exciting and overwhelming. While it marks an important milestone in their growth, shopping for a bed might be more challenging than you expect. What factors should you consider? Which ones should you prioritize? There’s a lot to think about and weigh in.

That’s what this guide will be about—the factors to know and check when choosing the perfect bed for your kids. Find out why they’re important. At the same time, get valuable tips to make the process and decision-making easier.


7 Simple Steps in Choosing the Right Kids' Bed

Before buying and when choosing a bed, make sure to consider the following tips and factors:

1. Carefully Think About Your Needs

It's important to figure out what makes the perfect bed for your kid. This step sets you up for making smart choices later. Here are some questions to help you figure out what you need and want:

  • Will your kid use it for other purposes aside from sleeping?
  • Where will you place the bed?
  • How many kids will use the bed?
  • Will you use the bed for a long time?
  • Are there other things you need with the bed, like storage?

Answering these questions will make it easier to choose the right bed based on different factors later on.

2. Choose the Type of Bed

First, determine the bed type you should and want to get. There are many types out there, some of which you might not be aware. These include:

  • Single Bed: This is the standard bed for everyone, which your kid can use for the years to come.
  • Bunk Bed: This is a popular type of bed if you need a bed in a shared bedroom. It has two beds, one stacked atop the other.
  • Loft Bed: This is also an elevated bed. But instead of another bed underneath, it has a usable space for a desk or a dresser.
  • Cabin Bed: This is another elevated type, but it’s not as high off the ground as the bunk and loft bed. The space underneath it is enough for extra storage.
  • Trundle Bed: This type has a hidden second bed underneath the main bed. This is a perfect type if your kid loves having sleepovers.
  • Daybed: This is a versatile type that your kid can use as a bed and as a couch. Some models even have a hidden bed underneath, like a trundle bed.
  • Montessori Bed: This low, platform-style bed sits directly on the floor. It also has no rails or barriers.

Among these, choose the most suitable for your kid or kids. Think about how easily they’ll access the bed, depending on their age. For instance, a Montessori bed would be an ideal option if you have a toddler. But if you have two older kids, opt for a bunk bed.

3. Determine the Right Size

To get the right bed size, consider the size of the space in which it will be placed. The bed must fit in the available space in your kid’s room. The best way to determine the right size is to measure the bedroom space. Choose a bed with the same dimensions to ensure it will fit.

But if you have a big room with a lot of space to work on, the bigger the better. It’s best to consider what will work for them in a year or two to get the most out of what you paid for. Plus, your kid can still use the bed as they age.

4. What Material Will It Be Made Of?

Kids' beds can be made of different materials with varying quality and durability. Note that the material also affects the cost of the bed and its ease of installation or assembly. Here are your top material options:

  • Wood: This can be solid wood, plywood, or MDF. Wood is a durable material that can last throughout your kid’s childhood. Plus, most wooden beds come in various shades and grain details that you can use to enhance the bedroom’s look and ambiance.
  • Metal: This is a tough material but is prone to rusting. Some metal frames used for beds are also usually weaker than wood frames. However, it’s sturdy enough for kids’ beds and is usually cheaper than wooden beds.
  • Plastic: Compared to the two other options, this material is less common because it isn't as long-lasting. However, plastic comes in various colors, so it’s used to create versatile bed styles.

Choose a wooden or metal bed if you want a durable bed. You can also choose a bed with metal and wooden components, like solid wood with metal hardware supports.

5. Pick the Perfect Style

Don’t forget about the aesthetics, especially since it’s for your kid. Kids love a bed that can make their room look better. You can choose a style based on the theme of the room. Of course, you can also ask your kid what style or design they want.

However, it’s also best to consider that kids can easily change their minds within weeks. So, it would be best to choose a style that can easily match any theme or decor style they want.

6. Look for Safety Features

Safety should be a top priority, even if your kid is going to sleep. It’s important to look for safety features in your bed options. Some of the best features to look for include:

  • Guardrails: These protective rails on any side of the bed will prevent your kid from falling from the bed, especially if they like to move in their sleep.
  • Non-toxic Finish: Make sure the bed doesn’t use harmful substances or finishes that can harm your kid.
  • Rounded Edges: Sharp corners and edges can bruise your kids easily, especially since kids love to play even when they’re in bed. Make sure to look for a bed with rounded edges to minimize bumps and bruises.

    7. Check the Price

    Last but not least, consider and check the cost of the bed. Remember that some beds will cost more than others. For instance, beds made of solid wood will be more expensive, but they can also last longer. One way to pick among your options is by deciding on a budget ahead of time. With a budget, you can check whether the price and features of the bed are within your means.



    Your child's bed should match their style and taste while being strong and well-made. To ensure that, consider the design, build, and type of the bed. Make sure it falls under what your kid wants and what would work best for their room and your budget.

    For some high-quality options, you can visit our kids bed collection. We offer a variety of beds at competitive prices in different sizes and styles!

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